Hating you ain't easy, loving you is

Anyone has any jobs intro? Tsk, I'm finding a job! In order to buy my digital cam & phone :D
Here's pictures of both beautiful non-living thing! (: T707 & T77. Haha, both Ts. It should cos at least 1k plus for both ba.
Mofo, I just quarrelled w my parents, so I guess I wouldn't be given the money to purchase them. -.- Retards. They just don't understand the pleasure of not going school if you know the day's gonna end late; like 4.45. Zzz, damn. Well, exams are round the corner! Gonna work hard, real real hard :D
Goodluck my friends! (: But I hope some will retain in sec3, in order to wait for me. Heehee, quite impossible though- no one would retain, willingly.
Lala, baby's working now. & I'm rotting at home! Gonna change my blogskin first, and then study for Science & Lit! Time flies, it's MY already.
7:14 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
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Anyone has any jobs intro? Tsk, I'm finding a job! In order to buy my digital cam & phone :D
Here's pictures of both beautiful non-living thing! (: T707 & T77. Haha, both Ts. It should cos at least 1k plus for both ba.
Mofo, I just quarrelled w my parents, so I guess I wouldn't be given the money to purchase them. -.- Retards. They just don't understand the pleasure of not going school if you know the day's gonna end late; like 4.45. Zzz, damn. Well, exams are round the corner! Gonna work hard, real real hard :D
Goodluck my friends! (: But I hope some will retain in sec3, in order to wait for me. Heehee, quite impossible though- no one would retain, willingly.
Lala, baby's working now. & I'm rotting at home! Gonna change my blogskin first, and then study for Science & Lit! Time flies, it's MY already.
7:14 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
I'll do what it takes to be with you

Ivy is my name
15 this year, not 14
I'm attached, yes. Happily attached!
Buy me presents on 3rd feb
I've deleted
friendster and don't use msn often
Contact me through
email or
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loveables left
Humans I can't live w/o