Hating you ain't easy, loving you is
Hey ppl! I'm not gonna be blogging so soon. Will imform ppl once I start blogging back again alrights? Hmmm, thankyou! Love you guys loads <3
2:56 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
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Hey ppl! I'm not gonna be blogging so soon. Will imform ppl once I start blogging back again alrights? Hmmm, thankyou! Love you guys loads <3
2:56 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
I'll do what it takes to be with you

Ivy is my name
15 this year, not 14
I'm attached, yes. Happily attached!
Buy me presents on 3rd feb
I've deleted
friendster and don't use msn often
Contact me through
email or
Choose also, to
loveables left
Humans I can't live w/o