Hating you ain't easy, loving you is
Flyer Photos.
Outdated photos :D
Hmmm, finally got it uploaded le (:
Good things are meant to be shared!
Baby! :D

Star, by Baby, Bro & Me!

So, Candid!~

The Monkey siblings

3:52 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
I love you, I love you, I love you
I've said it thrice,
& I mean it from the bottom of my heart.The weekend's over le! Didn't really get to enjoy over at the chalet. But also, cos of this chalet, I found out that baby can takecare of me v well! Haha, laughoutloud. As you guys know, I'm sick -.- Surprisingly, bi didn't leave me alone to die. In fact, he rushed here & there in his Haro from Aloha back to his house to bring me medicine! Omg, like everyone there is shocked. Including me. I'm so touched la!Glad he came, or not I guess my head would really 'explode'. Haha. Fever gone down abit le, but came back again ): Went school for 2 hours and then kn send back. Wish bi's here w me now laaaaaaa.Hmmm, I regretted. For what I did, for how I used to be. If not for all those, we would be even happier now. If not for me, if not for my unstable feelings.Treasuring someone is hard. Cos humans never learn.We won't treasure anything, until it's gone.I've lost you once before, & now, I'm sure, I will really really treasure you.
7:19 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
A night @ cousin's chalet
Wooohooo. It's the first time I see baby so hyper while talking to strangers that he's only met; like twice? Omg laaa, he became damn damn damn friendly. Cracking lame jokes, sharing camping experiences, etc. I enjoyed so much la! Just wokeup from a busy night. Everything went quite well, just that baby's like going MIA? Lol, guess he's working ba, that's why.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. (:Was quite shagg btw, menses come & I fell sick! It all happens in one whole unlucky day. Laughoutloud, niece's sitting beside me right now! She's drinking her water quietly, watching me type. I doubt she understands most of the words, at least some I guess.My posts looks so empty laaaa! Sorry friends, my phone might be gone for quite some time :xBaby, everything is so wonderful w you around. I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen later. & you know what? We gonna 2 months soon le~ Time files, & I'm loving it. :DD
8:48 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Argh, no phone, so damn xinku can?! Going around lending phone from ppl. Anyone out there got spare phone? O.o Had Eng & Mt paper today, was quite okay, not much to talk about for that /: Hiong papers out of examination 'room', easy task ^^School ends @ 11.45, slacked awhile, & went to find baby :D Lol, imma at home now, waiting for 3pm to come! :D Hahaha, I hope time files fast.Lirong's at my house today! W damn loads of other sec 1 ppl. They're out now I guess, playing Blockcatching? Haha, fyi. Lirong's my bro's TO-BE girlf (:Babybabybaby. ~ Haha, will not be posting for tmr, going Chalet @ Aloha.I WANT NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU
11:12 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
This post was supposed to be posted ytd de. Hmmm, think blogger sot again le :xPhotos photos photos, not uploaded yet! :x So sorry ppl! Hmmm, not doing quite well in school, cos of Vanan -.- Damn him la, accusing me that I have ciggs, and manymany stuffs. A fxukedup day in school - had to do speech, & tmr's eng paper 2 & mt paper 1! Laughs, & meet the parents session in the evening too. Guess Alicia Kho sure have loads to complain about me ><Zzzz, my phone confiscated again le, like for the 3rd time?! Wtf la, can't contact baby le ):Hmmm, bi! Thankyou so much, for being w me when times are bad. You never failed to cheer me up. With you around, all the unhappiness would turn into happiness. I love you :D
8:51 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥

Anyone has any jobs intro? Tsk, I'm finding a job! In order to buy my digital cam & phone :D
Here's pictures of both beautiful non-living thing! (: T707 & T77. Haha, both Ts. It should cos at least 1k plus for both ba.
Mofo, I just quarrelled w my parents, so I guess I wouldn't be given the money to purchase them. -.- Retards. They just don't understand the pleasure of not going school if you know the day's gonna end late; like 4.45. Zzz, damn. Well, exams are round the corner! Gonna work hard, real real hard :D
Goodluck my friends! (: But I hope some will retain in sec3, in order to wait for me. Heehee, quite impossible though- no one would retain, willingly.
Lala, baby's working now. & I'm rotting at home! Gonna change my blogskin first, and then study for Science & Lit! Time flies, it's MY already.
7:14 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Singapore Flyer is so fun! Went w my whole entire big family & baby to City Hall, and sat on th flyer. Haha, it's really like you're flying! The scenery's not bad la, just that many of the buildings are still building in progress :D Humans looks likes ants from on top. Haha! Took lots & loads of photos, will be uploading it soon when I'm free (;Ate at restaurant, and then went over to the River Cruise at Esplanade. Ice cream tastes awful, & there's FLIES & MINI LIZARDS in it. Ekkks :x Spent the whole day out till 9plus, and trained home -.- Cos my dad's car is currently under repair ><Baby! Thanks for spending the whole day w me, & my family! Although I know you felt abit awkward, but you still wanna pei me. :D I really enjoyed myself alot, & do work hard okay? Must miss me too. I love you my dear <3
4:50 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Hey hello! Many friends of mine wanna me to post about what happened on Friday. So here I am! Responding to them, but I'm not gonna type in details, just roughly what happened. Hmmm, it wasn't regarding me and litian in the first place, cos it was all an misunderstanding. So well, I wasn't hurt, but I'm confused. Both sides had different sides of the story, but I didn't know which to believe. And so, I wasn't of much help that day. Baby I'm sorry. I am so useless. It hurts my heart, seeing what you guys; the readers had not seen. So I guess nobody will understand how I feel at that time, maybe only Tinghui & Rumin ba. I choose to ignore this incident, although it'll be recalled often. I love him, so no actions will be taken, and I guess, this is all I can do. What to do? I love him.I've only got one word to say, STRESS. Lol, well well. Thank God there's still my friends to care for me, when I need someone to be there the most.Never go out on Good Friday, luck won't be good. & now I believe it le.Went Rumin's house downstairs to meet Tinghui & Rumin herself, slacked and saw Yonghao STUDYING at coffee shop near 940. Lol, that was a memorable sight, cos I didn't know they would study. Haha. Tried Kinder Joy for the first time! &, it's delicioussss. :DFriends made me forget how stress I am, it's really good to have them w me (;
5:28 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Ohohoh. Wow, looks like there's someone faking my name in my tagboard. Well, that's stupid. Cos everyone knows that I'll only reply spams by posting. -.- Lol, that's why it sounds ridiculous, when you used my name to reply, when Litian didn't even tag my blog in the first place. So well, just jolly well fxuk off. Cos if you think by this, you'll hai me kn anything or what, then you're wrong le ba. Haha.Lol, && Gabriel, just who are you? Laughoutloud. Wasting yr time spamming other ppl's blog when it's none of yr buisness? Wowwowwow, you seem to have loads of free time huh. Why not try studying? It'll make yr life better. Childish. -.-Everything is over now le. I hope so, & life is peaceful for me; w the presence of Weixuan & Tinghui :D Thay made my life an enjoyment! & also ofcourse, my baby! (;
5:59 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
AISEH AISEH. So many things to talk about oh. Now let me tell you, yr words don't hurt me, at all. You said I'm ugly, flat chested? Well, guess you're referring to yrself ba. I'm glad that you're GREATLY AFFECTED by my posts, and ofcourse, YOU'R JEALOUS. Is he so useless in yr mind? Oh, nono. I don't think so. Cos if he is, I guess you wont even bother about him. Haha, you're just trying to vent yr anger, on why is he so not faithful to you right? HAHAHA.So what if those words are really from him? I don't give a damn, yet I'm enjoying w him. No photos to prove, cos I DON'T BRAG. Not like you man LITIAN. Haha, I don't mind giving him money, so? That doens't prove that I'm stupid, nor he's useless, it just proves that we love eachother alot. You'r just envy, envying that I have him to love. Cos he doesn't give a fxuking damn about you anymore. Haha. Those stuffs you made for him, I've seen it; well. Truly lacking in originality. It's just some other ppl's idea, and you use it as YR OWN. I'm a plk? Woowooo. I guess you're too ba. Laughoutloud. Poor lil thing, you don't deserve love.
8:42 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Hey all! Hmmm, today's my 1 month anni w my dearest baby boy. So happy luh! Lol, baked cake for him! W the help of Haiye too. Haha, really much thank her for lending me her house to do the baking. Lala, didn't thought that I would even make through w him till 1 month. Hmmm, now I know we can le! (; So damn excited for what's gonna happen in the afternoon! Hope everything's will go according to plan :DCurrently in school right now. And exams are round the corner! Work hard my friends, haha. I'm gonna chiong on my studies; so that I won't retain again! :x Hmmm, music lessons are so boring, especially when the teacher talks alot. Zzz, and my teacher's naggy -.- Other than boring lessons, school's been fine. I've made lots of new friends, & got closer w th old ones.Ha, that 'I forgot yr name girl' guess what? Jinyao loves me eh. We 1 month anni le eh. Haha, lol. Far from the don't know how many months you two had shared, but I can comfirm, this one month, I've made him happier than you did. He might not love me as much, but I know he'll in future. So don't brag, about him loving you alot. That's th past already loh. And, I didn't spam yr blog, I'm not so childish.Bi's birthday coming le! ~BABY! HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNI
5:17 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
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Flyer Photos.
Outdated photos :D
Hmmm, finally got it uploaded le (:
Good things are meant to be shared!
Baby! :D

Star, by Baby, Bro & Me!

So, Candid!~

The Monkey siblings

3:52 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
I love you, I love you, I love you
I've said it thrice,
& I mean it from the bottom of my heart.The weekend's over le! Didn't really get to enjoy over at the chalet. But also, cos of this chalet, I found out that baby can takecare of me v well! Haha, laughoutloud. As you guys know, I'm sick -.- Surprisingly, bi didn't leave me alone to die. In fact, he rushed here & there in his Haro from Aloha back to his house to bring me medicine! Omg, like everyone there is shocked. Including me. I'm so touched la!Glad he came, or not I guess my head would really 'explode'. Haha. Fever gone down abit le, but came back again ): Went school for 2 hours and then kn send back. Wish bi's here w me now laaaaaaa.Hmmm, I regretted. For what I did, for how I used to be. If not for all those, we would be even happier now. If not for me, if not for my unstable feelings.Treasuring someone is hard. Cos humans never learn.We won't treasure anything, until it's gone.I've lost you once before, & now, I'm sure, I will really really treasure you.
7:19 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
A night @ cousin's chalet
Wooohooo. It's the first time I see baby so hyper while talking to strangers that he's only met; like twice? Omg laaa, he became damn damn damn friendly. Cracking lame jokes, sharing camping experiences, etc. I enjoyed so much la! Just wokeup from a busy night. Everything went quite well, just that baby's like going MIA? Lol, guess he's working ba, that's why.When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. (:Was quite shagg btw, menses come & I fell sick! It all happens in one whole unlucky day. Laughoutloud, niece's sitting beside me right now! She's drinking her water quietly, watching me type. I doubt she understands most of the words, at least some I guess.My posts looks so empty laaaa! Sorry friends, my phone might be gone for quite some time :xBaby, everything is so wonderful w you around. I'm looking forward to what's gonna happen later. & you know what? We gonna 2 months soon le~ Time files, & I'm loving it. :DD
8:48 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Argh, no phone, so damn xinku can?! Going around lending phone from ppl. Anyone out there got spare phone? O.o Had Eng & Mt paper today, was quite okay, not much to talk about for that /: Hiong papers out of examination 'room', easy task ^^School ends @ 11.45, slacked awhile, & went to find baby :D Lol, imma at home now, waiting for 3pm to come! :D Hahaha, I hope time files fast.Lirong's at my house today! W damn loads of other sec 1 ppl. They're out now I guess, playing Blockcatching? Haha, fyi. Lirong's my bro's TO-BE girlf (:Babybabybaby. ~ Haha, will not be posting for tmr, going Chalet @ Aloha.I WANT NOBODY NOBODY BUT YOU
11:12 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
This post was supposed to be posted ytd de. Hmmm, think blogger sot again le :xPhotos photos photos, not uploaded yet! :x So sorry ppl! Hmmm, not doing quite well in school, cos of Vanan -.- Damn him la, accusing me that I have ciggs, and manymany stuffs. A fxukedup day in school - had to do speech, & tmr's eng paper 2 & mt paper 1! Laughs, & meet the parents session in the evening too. Guess Alicia Kho sure have loads to complain about me ><Zzzz, my phone confiscated again le, like for the 3rd time?! Wtf la, can't contact baby le ):Hmmm, bi! Thankyou so much, for being w me when times are bad. You never failed to cheer me up. With you around, all the unhappiness would turn into happiness. I love you :D
8:51 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥

Anyone has any jobs intro? Tsk, I'm finding a job! In order to buy my digital cam & phone :D
Here's pictures of both beautiful non-living thing! (: T707 & T77. Haha, both Ts. It should cos at least 1k plus for both ba.
Mofo, I just quarrelled w my parents, so I guess I wouldn't be given the money to purchase them. -.- Retards. They just don't understand the pleasure of not going school if you know the day's gonna end late; like 4.45. Zzz, damn. Well, exams are round the corner! Gonna work hard, real real hard :D
Goodluck my friends! (: But I hope some will retain in sec3, in order to wait for me. Heehee, quite impossible though- no one would retain, willingly.
Lala, baby's working now. & I'm rotting at home! Gonna change my blogskin first, and then study for Science & Lit! Time flies, it's MY already.
7:14 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Singapore Flyer is so fun! Went w my whole entire big family & baby to City Hall, and sat on th flyer. Haha, it's really like you're flying! The scenery's not bad la, just that many of the buildings are still building in progress :D Humans looks likes ants from on top. Haha! Took lots & loads of photos, will be uploading it soon when I'm free (;Ate at restaurant, and then went over to the River Cruise at Esplanade. Ice cream tastes awful, & there's FLIES & MINI LIZARDS in it. Ekkks :x Spent the whole day out till 9plus, and trained home -.- Cos my dad's car is currently under repair ><Baby! Thanks for spending the whole day w me, & my family! Although I know you felt abit awkward, but you still wanna pei me. :D I really enjoyed myself alot, & do work hard okay? Must miss me too. I love you my dear <3
4:50 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Hey hello! Many friends of mine wanna me to post about what happened on Friday. So here I am! Responding to them, but I'm not gonna type in details, just roughly what happened. Hmmm, it wasn't regarding me and litian in the first place, cos it was all an misunderstanding. So well, I wasn't hurt, but I'm confused. Both sides had different sides of the story, but I didn't know which to believe. And so, I wasn't of much help that day. Baby I'm sorry. I am so useless. It hurts my heart, seeing what you guys; the readers had not seen. So I guess nobody will understand how I feel at that time, maybe only Tinghui & Rumin ba. I choose to ignore this incident, although it'll be recalled often. I love him, so no actions will be taken, and I guess, this is all I can do. What to do? I love him.I've only got one word to say, STRESS. Lol, well well. Thank God there's still my friends to care for me, when I need someone to be there the most.Never go out on Good Friday, luck won't be good. & now I believe it le.Went Rumin's house downstairs to meet Tinghui & Rumin herself, slacked and saw Yonghao STUDYING at coffee shop near 940. Lol, that was a memorable sight, cos I didn't know they would study. Haha. Tried Kinder Joy for the first time! &, it's delicioussss. :DFriends made me forget how stress I am, it's really good to have them w me (;
5:28 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Ohohoh. Wow, looks like there's someone faking my name in my tagboard. Well, that's stupid. Cos everyone knows that I'll only reply spams by posting. -.- Lol, that's why it sounds ridiculous, when you used my name to reply, when Litian didn't even tag my blog in the first place. So well, just jolly well fxuk off. Cos if you think by this, you'll hai me kn anything or what, then you're wrong le ba. Haha.Lol, && Gabriel, just who are you? Laughoutloud. Wasting yr time spamming other ppl's blog when it's none of yr buisness? Wowwowwow, you seem to have loads of free time huh. Why not try studying? It'll make yr life better. Childish. -.-Everything is over now le. I hope so, & life is peaceful for me; w the presence of Weixuan & Tinghui :D Thay made my life an enjoyment! & also ofcourse, my baby! (;
5:59 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
AISEH AISEH. So many things to talk about oh. Now let me tell you, yr words don't hurt me, at all. You said I'm ugly, flat chested? Well, guess you're referring to yrself ba. I'm glad that you're GREATLY AFFECTED by my posts, and ofcourse, YOU'R JEALOUS. Is he so useless in yr mind? Oh, nono. I don't think so. Cos if he is, I guess you wont even bother about him. Haha, you're just trying to vent yr anger, on why is he so not faithful to you right? HAHAHA.So what if those words are really from him? I don't give a damn, yet I'm enjoying w him. No photos to prove, cos I DON'T BRAG. Not like you man LITIAN. Haha, I don't mind giving him money, so? That doens't prove that I'm stupid, nor he's useless, it just proves that we love eachother alot. You'r just envy, envying that I have him to love. Cos he doesn't give a fxuking damn about you anymore. Haha. Those stuffs you made for him, I've seen it; well. Truly lacking in originality. It's just some other ppl's idea, and you use it as YR OWN. I'm a plk? Woowooo. I guess you're too ba. Laughoutloud. Poor lil thing, you don't deserve love.
8:42 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Hey all! Hmmm, today's my 1 month anni w my dearest baby boy. So happy luh! Lol, baked cake for him! W the help of Haiye too. Haha, really much thank her for lending me her house to do the baking. Lala, didn't thought that I would even make through w him till 1 month. Hmmm, now I know we can le! (; So damn excited for what's gonna happen in the afternoon! Hope everything's will go according to plan :DCurrently in school right now. And exams are round the corner! Work hard my friends, haha. I'm gonna chiong on my studies; so that I won't retain again! :x Hmmm, music lessons are so boring, especially when the teacher talks alot. Zzz, and my teacher's naggy -.- Other than boring lessons, school's been fine. I've made lots of new friends, & got closer w th old ones.Ha, that 'I forgot yr name girl' guess what? Jinyao loves me eh. We 1 month anni le eh. Haha, lol. Far from the don't know how many months you two had shared, but I can comfirm, this one month, I've made him happier than you did. He might not love me as much, but I know he'll in future. So don't brag, about him loving you alot. That's th past already loh. And, I didn't spam yr blog, I'm not so childish.Bi's birthday coming le! ~BABY! HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNI
5:17 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
I'll do what it takes to be with you

Ivy is my name
15 this year, not 14
I'm attached, yes. Happily attached!
Buy me presents on 3rd feb
I've deleted
friendster and don't use msn often
Contact me through
email or
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loveables left
Humans I can't live w/o