Hating you ain't easy, loving you is
Hey ppl! Hmmm, had no time to post ytd. But this was what happened :D Ytd was a good day, actually. (;Shuen had brought two hamsters to school, and its named Shaun & Rose, if I'm not wrong. Haha, its named after someone I think. HAHA. Then after school, I went slacking w Clara & Changheng, saw bro & Jinghan & Centralpark. Hmmm, it was raining then. And not forgetting that 101 had kn birdshit on his pants. Laughoutloud! He said his family would most probably strike lottery, but obviously that didn't happen. Or not I would have gotten a treat from him le! :DSaw also some of th Modern Dancers practicing on their routine on th way to baby's house. Haha! Stayed @ baby's house till 8pm then went home!---Today;Was in school also, hmmm. Gossip about Yimin & Louis, haha. :x LOL. Not much actually le. Just sneaked out of class during Math, and went down to th canteen to eat againnnnn!So excited! Friday is coming already, and that makes me one step closer to our 1 yr anni le ^^
2:38 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Sorry baby!
Hmmm, took photos w Jamie Airen! & when home right after MDC training, saw Jinyao in school! Haha, lol. He's training th NCC ppl; & omg. He's not gonna study anymore le. Nolife boy! (; Hmmm, bathed & ate. Feel asleep then.
Sorry my dear! Didn't get to go yr house, sorry man! Haha, & you're so cute luhs; tagging me saying :
u biatch! call u no answer say come my house u sleeping ! biatch u are now offending my law no. 21 report to me tml at court for sentence=D
No worries my dear, I'll be reporting to you deeee! You're out now with yr friends slacking, & again. Forgetting me. I'm used to all these life already. Well, at least when I was sleeping, you showed yr concern. Although it wa unneccessary, to be worried that I might have been Raped, but still. Thankyou my baby! (; Our 1 yr anni is coming le. HOHOHO.
Photos w jamie will be uploaded soon my dear girl! Hehe, & don't be too surprise that I'm 15! (; Laughoutloud. You're soooooo loved. ^^
& Andrew, I'll change my photo SOON. Don't be so bad laaaaa.
7:06 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
School, after camp!
Hey there ppl :D Hmmm, sorry. My photos wasn't uploaded yet. Due to some stupid error in HOTMAIL? Really sorry guys. Well, everything's going so well in school! Received Belated V's Day present form Irene; My Angel!, & also a card from Yimin & ZhuangJie! (; Other than that, I guess nothing much happened. Ohya, and that heavy rain @ around 2pm. I was caught in it, but thank goodness, my house was damn near school :DNow @ baby's house, trying to fix that problem Hotmail's giving me. I'm so excited for tmr! I wanna see how Irene's face will be after seeing my present (; Hahaha! Gonna make tees tmr for cca toooo!Opps, I'm so hyper. :x
3:05 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥

Haha! Thankyou Sherri & Wenfen!; for sending th photos to my email :D Hmmm, Sherri, glad to see that you're cheering up abit le. Don't let it bother so much about you alrights? You still hav us :D
Hey guys! Ytd was fun, I guess so. Watched Pink Panther 2 @ Suntec, & it was soooo damn funny! Haha, I rate it 3.5/5 stars :D It's really a nice show. School's starting tmr le! Excited & tired. I miss my school friends, especially JAMIE! :D Hmmm, I'm getting my LG Icecream soooooonnnnn le :D

2:01 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
A day @ katong.

Haha, went Katong ytd! Played L4d, wow. I was sooooo NOOB. Laughoutloud. Embarassed myself infront of pros- my fellow friends. Haha! And now I am, @ Wenfen's house. Just came here from Dunman Sec, there's a bazarr going on over there, and Amanda put 'makeups' to make her look 'ghostly'. HAHA! But it didn't really have that effect. Infact, she looked funny! Ha, she's cute :D. Sherri was there too, but she's at home now. Preparing to meet to head to Fareast, & then town w baby & friends! LOL, soooo excitedd to watch Pink Panther 2 :D Baby is so cute laaaaaaaaa! Having moodswings all th time. 10minutes ago, he was just scolding me irratating, for nothing. Then now, he's back to normal again. HAHAHA. He's just soooooo damndamn cute la. {L}

9:48 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Hello aliens D:Hmmm, I'm now in school. Which is like so b-o-r-i-n-g. Haha, but at least it's better than sitting in class w teachers! :D Ha, th instructors are sooooo cute la! Being bullied by my friends & I. They are a bunch of goodguys luh. :x Hmmm, miss my baby SOSOSO much laaaaa. Wonder what he's doing in school now manxz. Haha, gonna get my phone soon, @ 3.30pm le! (; HAHAHAH, &&&&&&& I can start taking photos leee! Laughoutloud. I'm sooo damn hyper :D:D:D
7:36 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Plk, plk!
Haha, guess what? Some retards tag this to my tagboard. Haha, that unknown used this phrase to describe me? "B"eing "I"n "T"otal "C"ontrol of "H"im = B.I.T.C.H. Since you wanna tag, then I might as well just make you 'famous'. This guy/girl probably just don't understand the meaning of LOVE. I'm posting about him, because ILOVEHIM, I love my boyf; Alvin Tang Wei Guan. & she just jealous. That I have such a good boyf like him. Wellwell, this is fate luh. Because a plk would probably just have some useless guy as her boyf. And if I'm a bitch, I'll be a good one. Unlike you, PLK. Ha. :DD
6:34 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Haha, went across that plk's blog again. Found out that she had loads of spammers. Haha, means that I'm not th only one disliking her! Well, not say dislike, but hate ba. She thinks she's so AHLIAN that everyone should be afraid of her. Furthermore, she treats her friends like dogs. Really wonder why they would follow her & be her 'dog'. Hmmm, just feeling v fedup. Why can't they just stop bothering my boyf? Argh, fxuk it la. Whatever it is. Zzzz.
12:15 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Sherri! Look here man :D
Hey yo my friend, don't worry k? You & yr guy will be fine de. Everything will be back to normal. Like when i always thought everything was over between Alvin & I, then something will happen to make us realise that we can't live w/o each other. Same goes for th both of you la :D He's already being a good boyf le, at least whatever you restrict him to do, he really doesn't do at all! So cheerup k? No point being so moody also, yr birthday is coming soon! So smile, & prepare to go NANA on yr day! :D Everything will be fine, if it's meant to be, trust me (;
11:33 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Babysitting, anyone? :D

Hello guys! I'll be replying to tags on my tagboard :D Tag tag tag ppl! (;
Hmmm, anyone out there. If you've a new born sibling that needs a babysitter, or maybe you know of someone whose children need babysitting; do contact me alrights? I'm helping my mother to look out for babies for her to baby sit; as babies are her loves (;
The timings are, on WEEKDAYS, MORNING TILL NIGHT. The venue, obviously is @ Tampines.
& For more details, either contact me through my email, or phone. Thankyou so much ppl!
11:02 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Hello ppl! I've uploadded some of th photos in th post 'HAPPY NIU YR' le :D Haha, more will be uploaded soon guys!Off to lunch now le. Hmmm, I'm saving for my LG ICECREAM (; Its so damn pretty laaaa. D: Hope I'll get it by th end of this month! ^^
9:18 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Hmm, LOL. You said I deserve it, yeps. I do deserve it la. Blame it on me fotr being so sensitive before. Now what I dread most happen le. & I know, there's more to come. I really can't help to control myself from thinking. Cos I'm not like you. You can survive w/ol me. But I can't w/o you. That's th v obvious difference between you & me. You have ppl supporting yr ideas, thinking that you shouldn't be w me. But I've none. I'm worrying while you stay up late all night. Baby, you know I really really need you. And all that you've gotten me into, is a deepdeep twirl of S-A-D-N-E-S-S. );&, Thankyou Irene! Was really touched by yr words:Even if roses wither, I will still love you! (:Thankyou so much manxz! You might not know what happen, but you really cheered me up. I love you too! "(:
7:27 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Sorry guys! So long didn't blog le. Hmmm, actually, l4d, isnt that bad at all la. Its just me thinking too much. Hmm, I'll try to learn asap, so that I can play w my friends! :D Hmm, camp week is boring you know! Woah, should hav just went to camp. Then nothing will happen le. I'm not in school today, but ytd was th worst day ever man.
We joined th sec3s for non-camp activities, & that whole thing lasted till 3.30 ehhhh! Then th OM TAN, don't wanna return me my phone. Zzzz, I WANN MYY PHONEEEE.
Then when back home after school, & baby came soon after le. Its th first time eversince like 5-6 month that he INICIATED to come my house , so I'm damn happy luhhhh. But then, I sort of found out, that it's cos, his friends are all out @ girlf's house. & he will have no choice, but to come my house too. WOWWOWWOW. &, this guy of mine is ridiculos, he has tons of girls. From facebook, hidden contacts, & whatever tricks he's up to. Just ytd, that ZHILING msged him, right in front of me. And he jitao just delete away le. Haha, ppl gulity ma, so must delete straight away. So I guess that's why he's been doing @ night? Playing com, @ th same time msg. But th person he's msging ISN'T ME.
That group of IMH PPL SO BHB IS IT?
----- :D ----
Amanda: Yeps, PLK seeking attention :D Haha, you too, jy for 'o'! :D
Nana: I saw you saw youuuu tooo! :D Happy V Day my dear. :D
reila: Hi :D
Eleanor: OMG, You have a present for me? :D
syafiq: I'm learning, & its damn hard ;x
gmaine: Not bad eh! :D
derrick: Lsughoutloud.
Judy: lol, okok. Enjoy camp alrights? :D
Nazatul: (;
MANDYx3: Oh! I know who le. Psps, suddenly can't rmb ;x
6:35 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Haha, my boyf is fcuking ridiculous. I'm @ his house now, & he's quarrelling w me over a camera's usb cable. How pathetic la. Scolding me for nothing, arghs. Sorry ppl, one more day delayed. Cos my photos are still stuck in that stupid digital cam of his. All th blame is on me la, when he didn't go school, his parents find me. Wtf can. It's his fault for not playing till late night, sleeping late, & not going school too. Hey, not me alrights? Zzzz Feeling damn U-S-E-D. What to do? I'm just a toy toy toy.
HAHA. He just walked to me to help me on th fan, and he laughed while walking away :D He can be real good at times. Well, he's a guy that has moodswings. He has great great ambition about being a Swimming Instructor. Laughoutloud, ofcourse he didn't tell me that himself, Amanda told me ytd about it, while we bus-ed home! (; Lol, had a long long talk ytd, about guys taking drugs. Laugh. Nothing to comment, just hope that they, especially my baby, would just grow moremoremore mature, to think properly, of his own future. & that he wouldn't follow th footsteps of his friends.
As you know people, today is Valentine's Day, in th chinese calendar. Received some presents from two classmates :D Hmmm, not much of a BIG present, but it's th heart that counts :D Thankyou ZhuangJie & Weijie! (My mortal)
---- REPLYING :D ---
Nazatul: Linked! D: Link me too my dear :D
yo123: Yeps, you are?
MANDYx3: Th 8383 de :D Haha, o.0, which mandy are you oh? & yr bloglink is invalid, so I didn't link ;x Sorry!
3:10 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
; derrick Haha, I dont care. I want present~ :D
; irene♥ Yeps, guysguys.
; MANDYx3: Fine? :D Lol ^^
Rawr, haha. Now @ my auntie's house in jurong. Haha! Quite a fun day, but unfortunately, didn't get to see baby. Argh, miss him terribly. But him, not at all. He only knows how to make me angry, always. I wonder what he's doing now, Power la. Go watch movie, buy clothes. Bet he enjoyed himself quite alot. He rather be w them, then w me. Zzz pathetic love man.
Hmmm, looking forward to going church w weesian(I don't know how to spell yr name) (;
8:20 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Haha, no offence ppl! (For left4dead players.)
But cos of this stupid game, my B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D, was like so dao & FUCKING engrossed in th game. Zzzz, I'm not @ katong, looking at all my other frends, & baby playing that game. Haha, no life boy. Cos of this game then ruin his own future. Play games nvm eh, but he play till his mind was so INTO it; that he threw his study time off for sleeping. While he plays till dawn. Laughoutloud. He might just think it's fun, but I can assure, he'll definately regret this. Well, sorry guys. I don't really have th mood to blog, so I'll blog nxt time. Hopefully, soon (;
6:30 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
; derrick HI, LOL. My present! ~
; Eleanor HELLOOOOO :D
; VIVIAN:D Opps, I did. But I forget put th 'http'. Opps ;x Sorry!
; kenji Yeps :D Thankyou so much.
; Nana Thankyou girl! *(;
; Joleen Yeps, ofcourse I rmb! Hmmm, linked. Link me too! (; <3
; gmaine Sure! Meetup real real sooonnnn.
; Isabel Linked le. I forgot put th 'http'. LOLL.
; {♥} Andrea. Erm, I rarely online de eh ;x ; MANDY x3: HELLO :D
6:19 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Thankyou :D
Haha, had a great day ytd. Received load & loads of presents from my friends AND Thankyou ppl so much for th wishing! Especially 2e2 mates, & mdc dancers. (; & manymany more. & Mr Shaiful! For giving a lollipop ;x Opps. Quite unlucky ytd, was late for school, kena caught for hair. Argh, but good thing, my classmates managed to cheer me up! I'm back from school now, not really from school, cos I only went school till PE, which is like th third or forth period only, then I was sent back. So, decided to blog :D
** Btw, thankyou anonymous, whoever you are. To sort of give me th link of a plk. Ppl, if you're free. Do view her. CLICK & be warned, ppl like her, especially her cliques, are not to be 'offended'. HAHA, reason being that they might get over-angry/agitated and seduce yr boyfs on bed. Amusing huh. &, I'll never forget all those that happened. So haha. WHICHEVER IMH YOU'RE FROM. I DON'T GIVE IT A DAMN. JUST WATCHOUT.
; Evelyn.: Nvm, it's okay. Thankyou anw! :D
; Isabel: Sure, tagging you back now.
; JANICE.: Haha, thankyou thankyou! :D
; sylvia: No prob. You didn't saw me ytd but you did today! ^^
; :debbiechak,: Yeps, I do rmb ofcourse! Thankyou so much for everything.
; Amanda: Sure :D
; milo: Okay, no prob. I'll see if I'm free (;
; joyce: LOL! Last time no tagboard, but can comment! :D
9:30 PM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Lol, @ katong now. W baby, & friends. Lol, they are playing left4dead. While I'm blogging. Before taht I was at home, and met baby at downtown. Woooo, shiok wkend. (; Had a photo of baby's ugly posture but need time to post it up. ;x;x Just hate it when it comes to Sunday, so many homewk to do! T.T HEYHEY, I'll be 15 in 2days' time!!! :DD
--- Tag Replies ---
; reila Who are you? o.0
; sylvia Thankyou! I wanna birthday present! ;x
; milo Haha, :D
4:43 AM -
I didn't even know its coming ♥
Normal |
bold |
Italic |
Underline |
Hey ppl! Hmmm, had no time to post ytd. But this was what happened :D Ytd was a good day, actually. (;Shuen had brought two hamsters to school, and its named Shaun & Rose, if I'm not wrong. Haha, its named after someone I think. HAHA. Then after school, I went slacking w Clara & Changheng, saw bro & Jinghan & Centralpark. Hmmm, it was raining then. And not forgetting that 101 had kn birdshit on his pants. Laughoutloud! He said his family would most probably strike lottery, but obviously that didn't happen. Or not I would have gotten a treat from him le! :DSaw also some of th Modern Dancers practicing on their routine on th way to baby's house. Haha! Stayed @ baby's house till 8pm then went home!---Today;Was in school also, hmmm. Gossip about Yimin & Louis, haha. :x LOL. Not much actually le. Just sneaked out of class during Math, and went down to th canteen to eat againnnnn!So excited! Friday is coming already, and that makes me one step closer to our 1 yr anni le ^^
2:38 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Sorry baby!
Hmmm, took photos w Jamie Airen! & when home right after MDC training, saw Jinyao in school! Haha, lol. He's training th NCC ppl; & omg. He's not gonna study anymore le. Nolife boy! (; Hmmm, bathed & ate. Feel asleep then.
Sorry my dear! Didn't get to go yr house, sorry man! Haha, & you're so cute luhs; tagging me saying :
u biatch! call u no answer say come my house u sleeping ! biatch u are now offending my law no. 21 report to me tml at court for sentence=D
No worries my dear, I'll be reporting to you deeee! You're out now with yr friends slacking, & again. Forgetting me. I'm used to all these life already. Well, at least when I was sleeping, you showed yr concern. Although it wa unneccessary, to be worried that I might have been Raped, but still. Thankyou my baby! (; Our 1 yr anni is coming le. HOHOHO.
Photos w jamie will be uploaded soon my dear girl! Hehe, & don't be too surprise that I'm 15! (; Laughoutloud. You're soooooo loved. ^^
& Andrew, I'll change my photo SOON. Don't be so bad laaaaa.
7:06 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
School, after camp!
Hey there ppl :D Hmmm, sorry. My photos wasn't uploaded yet. Due to some stupid error in HOTMAIL? Really sorry guys. Well, everything's going so well in school! Received Belated V's Day present form Irene; My Angel!, & also a card from Yimin & ZhuangJie! (; Other than that, I guess nothing much happened. Ohya, and that heavy rain @ around 2pm. I was caught in it, but thank goodness, my house was damn near school :DNow @ baby's house, trying to fix that problem Hotmail's giving me. I'm so excited for tmr! I wanna see how Irene's face will be after seeing my present (; Hahaha! Gonna make tees tmr for cca toooo!Opps, I'm so hyper. :x
3:05 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥

Haha! Thankyou Sherri & Wenfen!; for sending th photos to my email :D Hmmm, Sherri, glad to see that you're cheering up abit le. Don't let it bother so much about you alrights? You still hav us :D
Hey guys! Ytd was fun, I guess so. Watched Pink Panther 2 @ Suntec, & it was soooo damn funny! Haha, I rate it 3.5/5 stars :D It's really a nice show. School's starting tmr le! Excited & tired. I miss my school friends, especially JAMIE! :D Hmmm, I'm getting my LG Icecream soooooonnnnn le :D

2:01 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
A day @ katong.

Haha, went Katong ytd! Played L4d, wow. I was sooooo NOOB. Laughoutloud. Embarassed myself infront of pros- my fellow friends. Haha! And now I am, @ Wenfen's house. Just came here from Dunman Sec, there's a bazarr going on over there, and Amanda put 'makeups' to make her look 'ghostly'. HAHA! But it didn't really have that effect. Infact, she looked funny! Ha, she's cute :D. Sherri was there too, but she's at home now. Preparing to meet to head to Fareast, & then town w baby & friends! LOL, soooo excitedd to watch Pink Panther 2 :D Baby is so cute laaaaaaaaa! Having moodswings all th time. 10minutes ago, he was just scolding me irratating, for nothing. Then now, he's back to normal again. HAHAHA. He's just soooooo damndamn cute la. {L}

9:48 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Hello aliens D:Hmmm, I'm now in school. Which is like so b-o-r-i-n-g. Haha, but at least it's better than sitting in class w teachers! :D Ha, th instructors are sooooo cute la! Being bullied by my friends & I. They are a bunch of goodguys luh. :x Hmmm, miss my baby SOSOSO much laaaaa. Wonder what he's doing in school now manxz. Haha, gonna get my phone soon, @ 3.30pm le! (; HAHAHAH, &&&&&&& I can start taking photos leee! Laughoutloud. I'm sooo damn hyper :D:D:D
7:36 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Plk, plk!
Haha, guess what? Some retards tag this to my tagboard. Haha, that unknown used this phrase to describe me? "B"eing "I"n "T"otal "C"ontrol of "H"im = B.I.T.C.H. Since you wanna tag, then I might as well just make you 'famous'. This guy/girl probably just don't understand the meaning of LOVE. I'm posting about him, because ILOVEHIM, I love my boyf; Alvin Tang Wei Guan. & she just jealous. That I have such a good boyf like him. Wellwell, this is fate luh. Because a plk would probably just have some useless guy as her boyf. And if I'm a bitch, I'll be a good one. Unlike you, PLK. Ha. :DD
6:34 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Haha, went across that plk's blog again. Found out that she had loads of spammers. Haha, means that I'm not th only one disliking her! Well, not say dislike, but hate ba. She thinks she's so AHLIAN that everyone should be afraid of her. Furthermore, she treats her friends like dogs. Really wonder why they would follow her & be her 'dog'. Hmmm, just feeling v fedup. Why can't they just stop bothering my boyf? Argh, fxuk it la. Whatever it is. Zzzz.
12:15 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Sherri! Look here man :D
Hey yo my friend, don't worry k? You & yr guy will be fine de. Everything will be back to normal. Like when i always thought everything was over between Alvin & I, then something will happen to make us realise that we can't live w/o each other. Same goes for th both of you la :D He's already being a good boyf le, at least whatever you restrict him to do, he really doesn't do at all! So cheerup k? No point being so moody also, yr birthday is coming soon! So smile, & prepare to go NANA on yr day! :D Everything will be fine, if it's meant to be, trust me (;
11:33 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Babysitting, anyone? :D

Hello guys! I'll be replying to tags on my tagboard :D Tag tag tag ppl! (;
Hmmm, anyone out there. If you've a new born sibling that needs a babysitter, or maybe you know of someone whose children need babysitting; do contact me alrights? I'm helping my mother to look out for babies for her to baby sit; as babies are her loves (;
The timings are, on WEEKDAYS, MORNING TILL NIGHT. The venue, obviously is @ Tampines.
& For more details, either contact me through my email, or phone. Thankyou so much ppl!
11:02 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Hello ppl! I've uploadded some of th photos in th post 'HAPPY NIU YR' le :D Haha, more will be uploaded soon guys!Off to lunch now le. Hmmm, I'm saving for my LG ICECREAM (; Its so damn pretty laaaa. D: Hope I'll get it by th end of this month! ^^
9:18 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Hmm, LOL. You said I deserve it, yeps. I do deserve it la. Blame it on me fotr being so sensitive before. Now what I dread most happen le. & I know, there's more to come. I really can't help to control myself from thinking. Cos I'm not like you. You can survive w/ol me. But I can't w/o you. That's th v obvious difference between you & me. You have ppl supporting yr ideas, thinking that you shouldn't be w me. But I've none. I'm worrying while you stay up late all night. Baby, you know I really really need you. And all that you've gotten me into, is a deepdeep twirl of S-A-D-N-E-S-S. );&, Thankyou Irene! Was really touched by yr words:Even if roses wither, I will still love you! (:Thankyou so much manxz! You might not know what happen, but you really cheered me up. I love you too! "(:
7:27 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Sorry guys! So long didn't blog le. Hmmm, actually, l4d, isnt that bad at all la. Its just me thinking too much. Hmm, I'll try to learn asap, so that I can play w my friends! :D Hmm, camp week is boring you know! Woah, should hav just went to camp. Then nothing will happen le. I'm not in school today, but ytd was th worst day ever man.
We joined th sec3s for non-camp activities, & that whole thing lasted till 3.30 ehhhh! Then th OM TAN, don't wanna return me my phone. Zzzz, I WANN MYY PHONEEEE.
Then when back home after school, & baby came soon after le. Its th first time eversince like 5-6 month that he INICIATED to come my house , so I'm damn happy luhhhh. But then, I sort of found out, that it's cos, his friends are all out @ girlf's house. & he will have no choice, but to come my house too. WOWWOWWOW. &, this guy of mine is ridiculos, he has tons of girls. From facebook, hidden contacts, & whatever tricks he's up to. Just ytd, that ZHILING msged him, right in front of me. And he jitao just delete away le. Haha, ppl gulity ma, so must delete straight away. So I guess that's why he's been doing @ night? Playing com, @ th same time msg. But th person he's msging ISN'T ME.
That group of IMH PPL SO BHB IS IT?
----- :D ----
Amanda: Yeps, PLK seeking attention :D Haha, you too, jy for 'o'! :D
Nana: I saw you saw youuuu tooo! :D Happy V Day my dear. :D
reila: Hi :D
Eleanor: OMG, You have a present for me? :D
syafiq: I'm learning, & its damn hard ;x
gmaine: Not bad eh! :D
derrick: Lsughoutloud.
Judy: lol, okok. Enjoy camp alrights? :D
Nazatul: (;
MANDYx3: Oh! I know who le. Psps, suddenly can't rmb ;x
6:35 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Haha, my boyf is fcuking ridiculous. I'm @ his house now, & he's quarrelling w me over a camera's usb cable. How pathetic la. Scolding me for nothing, arghs. Sorry ppl, one more day delayed. Cos my photos are still stuck in that stupid digital cam of his. All th blame is on me la, when he didn't go school, his parents find me. Wtf can. It's his fault for not playing till late night, sleeping late, & not going school too. Hey, not me alrights? Zzzz Feeling damn U-S-E-D. What to do? I'm just a toy toy toy.
HAHA. He just walked to me to help me on th fan, and he laughed while walking away :D He can be real good at times. Well, he's a guy that has moodswings. He has great great ambition about being a Swimming Instructor. Laughoutloud, ofcourse he didn't tell me that himself, Amanda told me ytd about it, while we bus-ed home! (; Lol, had a long long talk ytd, about guys taking drugs. Laugh. Nothing to comment, just hope that they, especially my baby, would just grow moremoremore mature, to think properly, of his own future. & that he wouldn't follow th footsteps of his friends.
As you know people, today is Valentine's Day, in th chinese calendar. Received some presents from two classmates :D Hmmm, not much of a BIG present, but it's th heart that counts :D Thankyou ZhuangJie & Weijie! (My mortal)
---- REPLYING :D ---
Nazatul: Linked! D: Link me too my dear :D
yo123: Yeps, you are?
MANDYx3: Th 8383 de :D Haha, o.0, which mandy are you oh? & yr bloglink is invalid, so I didn't link ;x Sorry!
3:10 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
; derrick Haha, I dont care. I want present~ :D
; irene♥ Yeps, guysguys.
; MANDYx3: Fine? :D Lol ^^
Rawr, haha. Now @ my auntie's house in jurong. Haha! Quite a fun day, but unfortunately, didn't get to see baby. Argh, miss him terribly. But him, not at all. He only knows how to make me angry, always. I wonder what he's doing now, Power la. Go watch movie, buy clothes. Bet he enjoyed himself quite alot. He rather be w them, then w me. Zzz pathetic love man.
Hmmm, looking forward to going church w weesian(I don't know how to spell yr name) (;
8:20 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Haha, no offence ppl! (For left4dead players.)
But cos of this stupid game, my B-O-Y-F-R-I-E-N-D, was like so dao & FUCKING engrossed in th game. Zzzz, I'm not @ katong, looking at all my other frends, & baby playing that game. Haha, no life boy. Cos of this game then ruin his own future. Play games nvm eh, but he play till his mind was so INTO it; that he threw his study time off for sleeping. While he plays till dawn. Laughoutloud. He might just think it's fun, but I can assure, he'll definately regret this. Well, sorry guys. I don't really have th mood to blog, so I'll blog nxt time. Hopefully, soon (;
6:30 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
; derrick HI, LOL. My present! ~
; Eleanor HELLOOOOO :D
; VIVIAN:D Opps, I did. But I forget put th 'http'. Opps ;x Sorry!
; kenji Yeps :D Thankyou so much.
; Nana Thankyou girl! *(;
; Joleen Yeps, ofcourse I rmb! Hmmm, linked. Link me too! (; <3
; gmaine Sure! Meetup real real sooonnnn.
; Isabel Linked le. I forgot put th 'http'. LOLL.
; {♥} Andrea. Erm, I rarely online de eh ;x ; MANDY x3: HELLO :D
6:19 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Thankyou :D
Haha, had a great day ytd. Received load & loads of presents from my friends AND Thankyou ppl so much for th wishing! Especially 2e2 mates, & mdc dancers. (; & manymany more. & Mr Shaiful! For giving a lollipop ;x Opps. Quite unlucky ytd, was late for school, kena caught for hair. Argh, but good thing, my classmates managed to cheer me up! I'm back from school now, not really from school, cos I only went school till PE, which is like th third or forth period only, then I was sent back. So, decided to blog :D
** Btw, thankyou anonymous, whoever you are. To sort of give me th link of a plk. Ppl, if you're free. Do view her. CLICK & be warned, ppl like her, especially her cliques, are not to be 'offended'. HAHA, reason being that they might get over-angry/agitated and seduce yr boyfs on bed. Amusing huh. &, I'll never forget all those that happened. So haha. WHICHEVER IMH YOU'RE FROM. I DON'T GIVE IT A DAMN. JUST WATCHOUT.
; Evelyn.: Nvm, it's okay. Thankyou anw! :D
; Isabel: Sure, tagging you back now.
; JANICE.: Haha, thankyou thankyou! :D
; sylvia: No prob. You didn't saw me ytd but you did today! ^^
; :debbiechak,: Yeps, I do rmb ofcourse! Thankyou so much for everything.
; Amanda: Sure :D
; milo: Okay, no prob. I'll see if I'm free (;
; joyce: LOL! Last time no tagboard, but can comment! :D
9:30 PM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
Lol, @ katong now. W baby, & friends. Lol, they are playing left4dead. While I'm blogging. Before taht I was at home, and met baby at downtown. Woooo, shiok wkend. (; Had a photo of baby's ugly posture but need time to post it up. ;x;x Just hate it when it comes to Sunday, so many homewk to do! T.T HEYHEY, I'll be 15 in 2days' time!!! :DD
--- Tag Replies ---
; reila Who are you? o.0
; sylvia Thankyou! I wanna birthday present! ;x
; milo Haha, :D
4:43 AM -
I didnt even know its coming ♥
I'll do what it takes to be with you

Ivy is my name
15 this year, not 14
I'm attached, yes. Happily attached!
Buy me presents on 3rd feb
I've deleted
friendster and don't use msn often
Contact me through
email or
Choose also, to
loveables left
Humans I can't live w/o